- 1 : 2024/11/25(月) 12:32:45.76 ID:6EpGo4CFd
Why are disabled people called “vegetables” by people? Is there a significant meaning to that?Disabled people are not called vegetables by anyone with either a brain or a heart. It is dehumanizing and demeaning.
People, no matter their level of disability or consciousness, are human beings.In the 1970s, the term “persistent vegetative state” (PVS) came into use to refer to a type of comatose patients with no responsiveness. Prior to that, as early as the 1800s, vegetative state had been used to describe anything from plant life (the real meaning) to a stroke patient.
In the 1920s, a “vegetative state” came to mean someone who leads a monotonous life without intellectual activity. But, it wasn’t until 1972 that “persistent vegetative state” (PVS) was coined as a diagnostic category by Scottish neurosurgeon Bryan Jennett and American neurologist Fred Plum (Source below).
- 2 : 2024/11/25(月) 12:32:57.82 ID:6EpGo4CFd
- ふぁああああああ
- 3 : 2024/11/25(月) 12:33:03.59 ID:6EpGo4CFd
- 野菜
- 4 : 2024/11/25(月) 12:33:04.84 ID:90dO8JdSM
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- 5 : 2024/11/25(月) 12:33:49.52 ID:BIZdHSLld
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- 6 : 2024/11/25(月) 12:33:50.00 ID:82Xsd5dw0
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- 7 : 2024/11/25(月) 12:33:51.69 ID:/nrdELgz0
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- 9 : 2024/11/25(月) 12:34:03.52 ID:E+a2i/av0
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- 11 : 2024/11/25(月) 12:34:37.11 ID:qr7tlLaM0
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障害持ちと言わざるを得ないわな - 15 : 2024/11/25(月) 12:34:57.66 ID:oAgLepM90
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サイパンとフォールアウトで覚えたわ - 17 : 2024/11/25(月) 12:35:15.18 ID:dfq7GM/Z0
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- そりゃ県民を野菜扱いしたら雲隠れするしかないわな
下手したら見つかって刺されてもおかしくないからねこれは立花もそうで犬猫扱いとか人をバカにし過ぎてる - 26 : 2024/11/25(月) 12:40:58.17 ID:fxL9CqOH0
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- call any vegetableってそういう意味だったの?
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- いやスラングでなく普通の比喩だろ
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- 酷いよメープル
これは兵庫県民が知的障碍者みたいじゃないか🥺 - 36 : 2024/11/25(月) 12:46:15.46 ID:w2cqBiDYM
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こういうノウハウってやっぱり大本はCIAとかなのかなあ - 37 : 2024/11/25(月) 12:46:53.96 ID:YQrasCC70
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兵庫県民は人を野菜と見做してる奴がちょっと多過ぎねえか? - 38 : 2024/11/25(月) 12:47:11.65 ID:+5FrGYEU0
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- 39 : 2024/11/25(月) 12:47:21.59 ID:ceeoo7ei0
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